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Sankalp Industries

Java Peanuts

Java Peanuts

Java or Spanish peanut plants, scientifically known as Arachis hypogaea, are members of the legume or "bean" family, Fabaceae. Originating from South America, these peanuts spread globally through trade by Spanish merchants. Initially considered a substitute for cocoa, peanuts were used for both culinary purposes and oil extraction. Renowned for their visually appealing large kernels, Spanish/Java groundnuts are widely favored. These nuts or seeds feature a pink outer skin and a distinctive round, spheroidal shape.

Redefining Quality.

Peanuts in Farming
Java 50/60
Peanuts in Farming
Java 60/70
Peanuts in Farming
Java 80/90

Features of the Java Peanuts

Here are some key characteristics of Java peanuts:

The size and shape of Java peanut kernels are eye-catching. Java peanuts have pink skin and are spherical. Java peanuts are one of the most popular groundnut categories, which belong to the legume or “bean” type Fabaceae family. Java peanuts originated from South America and were traded across countries by the Spanish.

The Java peanuts come with an admixture of 1%, moisture of 7% — 8%, foreign matter of 0.5% — 1%, oil content: 42% — 48%, and are Aflatoxin Negative with 5PPB (TCL Method)

Nutritional Value

Java peanuts are rich in protein and have high concentrations of polyphenol antioxidants. These peanuts provide more than thirty nutrients and phytonutrients. They are a good source of niacin, magnesium, folate, fibre, Vitamin E, Manganese & phosphorous. They are also naturally free of trans-fats and contain about 25% protein.

Medicinal Benefits

The high nutrient content in Java peanuts makes it suitable for several medicinal applications and provides many health benefits. These peanuts contain resveratrol, which is an antioxidant that enhances the generation of nitric oxide and prevents heart strokes.

Peanuts are also known for their anti-aging phytochemical function, which further acts as an antidepressant agent and promotes a refreshing mood, thus boosting positive feelings.


These peanuts are best used for snacks. You can have them roasted, mixed with spices, or simply salted. These are great for making peanut butter candies and extraction of edible oil. These are further used as chocolate spreads, nut biscuits, and crushed nuts used on cakes, buns, ice cream, and desserts.

In West Africa, peanuts are used in authentic soups, stews, or marinades. Common dishes are okra, kuli-kuli, Nkate cake, peanut casserole with chicken, and Bambara — a peanut butter rice pudding. The growing popularity is also because of its sweet taste, sweet-aromatic odour, and crunchy texture.